Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-ryukiThis article is about a Rider in Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight.

For his Ventaran counterpart, see Len.

Brian Mace is Len's mirror twin who works for Colonel Stuart. He impersonates Len and fools Kit into working with him.

Brian steals the Wing Knight Advent Deck from Len, became the second Kamen Rider Wing Knight. But this is only for a short period of time, until he defeats his boss Colonel Stuart. Brian takes the Onyx Advent Deck from David and uses it to become the third Kamen Rider Onyx.


Brian was never actually evil but decided that enough is enough after being nearly vented by his boss.

Impersonation as Len[]

to be added

"Len's" Real Identity[]

to be added

Defeating David Stuart[]

to be added

as Kamen Rider Onyx[]

to be added


to be added


In his first appearance, he assumed the form of Kamen Rider Wing Knight to imitate as Len. Later on, he became Kamen Rider Onyx after defeating David Stuart.

Kamen Rider Wing Knight

Kamen Rider Wing Knight

  • Sight: 10km radius
  • Hearing: 25km radius
  • Maximum Running Speed: 80km/h
  • Highest Jump: 40m
  • Punching Power: (AP: 200)
  • Kicking Power: (AP: 300)

Kamen Rider Wing Knight is a close-range fighter possessing two swords (his default rapier which also allows him to slot Advent Cards, and his Sword Vent, a large lance-like sword). Because of this, he is better suited for one-on-one combat. Wing Knight can also use his Trick Vent to create copies of himself to aid him in combat to overwhelm stronger opponents or even out a battle involving multiple enemies.

This form is exclusive to 2WORLD 1HEARTS

Kamen Rider Onyx

Kamen Rider Onyx

A black-colored version of Dragon Knight contracted to Dragblacker, Onyx possesses the same abilities and combat potential as the former; however, Onyx is relatively stronger than Dragon Knight, due to his Advent Cards having a higher AP.

This form is exclusive to 2WORLD 1HEARTS

Contract Monsters[]


  • Advent Deck - Transformation device and Advent Card holder
  • V Buckle - Transformation belt
  • Advent Cards - Trinkets that enable a Rider to summon Contract Monsters, access equipment, and use special abilities
  • Darkvisor - Wing Knight's Visor that enables him to use Advent Cards
  • Blackdragvisor - Onyx's Visor that enables him to use Advent Cards


  • The notion of Len having his own Earth twin was never alluded to in any form throughout the original television series; Brian Mace being a character created exclusively for the novel.
  • It was unknown of how Brian became Kamen Rider Onyx, after just using the Wing Knight Advent Deck.
  • Brian Mace is also the first Dragon Knight Character from the novel to have one of the forms that his mirror twin "Len" didn't use, this was also written by Mano Katsunari for the novel.
  • Like with Kit Taylor who was Kamen Rider Onyx for only a short period of time, Brian was also a "good" Kamen Rider, unlike with Dark Shinji who was the counterpart of Onyx, he was a villain in Kamen Rider Ryuki.
  • Like with Kit and Xaviax, Brian can also use the ability of two different Advent Decks to become any Kamen Rider.


See also[]


Icon-ryuki Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight US flag icon
Kamen Riders
Earth Kamen Riders
Kit Taylor - Richie Preston - Drew Lansing - Grant Staley - JTC - Brad Barrett - Chris Ramirez - Danny Cho - Albert Cho - Vic Frasier - Maya Young - David Stuart - Brian Mace
Ventara Kamen Riders
Eubulon - Len - Kase - Adam - Pryce - Chance - Hunt - Ian - Van - Cameron - Quinn - Chase - Nolan
Advent Belts - Advent Decks
Trent Moseley - Lacey Sheridan - Michelle Walsh - Frank Taylor - Agent Phillips - Sergeant Dan Ramirez - Brandon - Fish - Sara - Grace Kiefer - Detective Grimes
Xaviax - Minions (Gelnewts - Sheerghosts - Raydragoons)
Mirror Monsters
Advent Beasts: Dragreder - Blackwing - Volcancer - Magnugiga - Biogreeza - Metalgelas - Venosnaker - Cerebeast - Evildiver - Destwilder - Gigazelle - Blancwing - Dragblacker - Goldphoenix
Xaviax's Mirror Monsters: Dispider - Terabiter - Zenobiter - Zebraskull Iron - Zebraskull Bronze - Wild Gigazelles - Megazelle - Wildboarder - Abyss Hammer - Abyss Lasher - Bakraken - Wiskraken - Dedlimmer - Psycorouge - Garudothunder - Magazelle - Omegazelle - Sonora Boomer - Buzzstinger Hornet - Brobajell - Shieldboarder - Garudostorm - Garudomirage - Buzzstinger Wasp - Buzzstinger Bee - Buzzstinger Bloom - Buzzstinger Frost - Respider
Smallwikipedialogo This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at List of characters in Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight#Brian Mace. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Kamen Rider Wiki, the text of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.