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Atropos (アトロポス, Atoroposu) was the first homunculus of the Three Dark Sisters who transformed into the fifth Kamen Rider Dread (仮面ライダードレッド, Kamen Raidā Doreddo). She later dies protecting Rinne Kudo, enabling her to become Kamen Rider Twilight Majade (仮面ライダートワイライトマジェード, Kamen Raidā Towairaito Majēdo) by merging her spirit with hers.
Quick Answers
What transformation does Atropos undergo to become Kamen Rider Dread?
Who created Atropos and why was she modeled after Rinne Kudo?
What role does Atropos play in leading the Dark Sisters?
Atropos was created by Glion to be his daughter, modeled after Rinne Kudo as a young child.
Encountering Gotchard[]
Acting for Glion, Atropos leads the Dark Sisters in tacking down what is later revealed to a homunculus clone of Fuga Kudo that gives the Gotchard Driver to Houtaro Ichinose while scattering the Chemies to keep them from falling into Glion's hands.
Dark Kings Advent[]
Atropos aids in Glion's plans while targeting Rinne, vowing to avenge her creator when the ritual failed and he was dragged by the Dark Kings. But upon learning that Glion was still alive after being devoured by the Dark King Germain, Atropos tricks Rinne and the other Kamen Riders into weakening Germain enough for her to enable Glion to consume the Dark King. Despite manipulating the Kamen Riders into doing her dirty work, she honored her promise to Rinne of never harming anyone else again.
She and Rinne were abducted by Gaelijah, who wanted the two to kill each other. But upon learning that Glion never saw her as anything else but a tool when he manipulated Fuga for his own gain, Atropos sacrificed herself to shield Rinne from a fatal blow by Gaelijah, apologizing for all the sins she did. Atropos is reduced to her crystal core, which responds to Rinne's feelings of saddened rage by transmuting her gold origami into the Promise Alchemist Ring. When Rinne becomes Twilight Majade for the first time, she finds Atropos's soul residing within her as they work together to defeat Gaelijah.
Other Events[]
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Malicious and sinister, Atropos is the first daughter of the Three Dark Sisters who misuses alchemy while working behind the scenes. She may look and act like a little girl, but she manipulates powerful alchemy. [1] And she will not hesitate to use it to control, destroy, and exploit people in experiments, seeing it as something she describes as “fun”.
For most of the time, Atropos speaks in a calm, collected, and quiet manner in any given situation but can speak playfully at times. But she was shown to be very cold against people she finds irritating like with Shiori when she made her disappear, despite the latter personally helping her in stealing numerous amounts of Blank Ride Chemy Cards and choosing the first user of Dread, as well as Renge when she angrily yelled and attacked her.
Atropos is also highly manipulative in nature, as she's capable of fully utilizing her child-like form to sway other people in order to deter Rinne. She also seems to have an odd obsession towards her and her father Fuga, claiming to be an old friend of his and that Fuga is the one who wanted to claim the power of the Door of Darkness for his own. However, when Rinne confronted Atropos about desiring bonds such as friendship and family, Atropos become enraged and slightly disoriented while pouting in a childish manner.
She sees Chemies as tools, but unlike Supana or Licht, she sees them in their “original purpose” of being affected by human malice and becoming Malgams to destroy everything and being sacrificed as materials for the Door of Darkness.
Among the three sisters, she is the most loyal to Glion as she remains collected to him and follows any plan and order he makes, even if they come at the cost of harming her sisters like he possessed Lachesis to become the Orochi Malgam against civilians, or abandoning them when she made the possibility of replacing them with Supana when he became the Wheel Malgam. Furthermore when Lachesis was caught red-handed admitting to Minato that she wanted to defect, Atropos personally transformed into Dread herself to deal with Lachesis' treachery. Ultimately, Atropos desires to be the ideal daughter to Glion and is later heart-broken upon learning that he never saw her as anything else but a disposable tool.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Alchemy: Atropos can use a gold crystal she possessed to perform special alchemy, which the powers are more superior than the normal alchemy used by the members of Alchemist Academy.
- Mind Control: Atropos can control groups of people using her Alchemy to do her bidding, though its effects wear off when she is no longer present. They can also wear off if she loses focus, as proven when Rinne, who was immobilized by Atropos' Alchemy at one point, provoked her to break out of her control.
- Energy Arrows: Atropos can manifest multiples of energy arrows from nothingness to attack her opponents.
- Teleportation: Atropos can teleport by transforming herself into black and gold particles to avoid enemy attacks.
- Disintegration: Atropos can use alchemy to cause someone else's body to disintegrate into dark particles.
- Tornado Summoning: Atropos can use alchemy to summon a dark tornado to send victims flying.
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Kamen Rider Dread Type One
- "Dread, Ichishiki."
- ―Dread Type One transformation announcement[src]
- Rider Height: 212.9 cm
- Rider Weight: 141.1 kg
- Ability Parameters[2]
- Punching Power: 26.1 t
- Kicking Power: 42.1 t
- Maximum Jump Height: 30.2 m
- Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 4.6 sec.
Type One (壱式, Ichi-shiki) is Kamen Rider Dread's upgrade form accessed by using the Repli-Steamliner and Repli-Unicon Repli Chemy Card in the Dreadriver.[3]
Dread Type One's stats are increased to the point of even surpassing almost all of Fire Gotchard Steamhopper's stats. Though Dread still loses to Gotchard Daybreak by a couple margins. As this form utilizes the Repli-Unicon Repli Chemy Card, similar to Majade, Dread can also use unicorn-like abilities.
Dread transmutes the Bloody UC from its body through the power of Repli-Unicon.
Dread Type One adds the following parts:
- Dread Mask (Type One) (ドレッドマスク (壱式), Doreddo Masuku Ichi-shiki): The helmet.
- Silver Obelista (シルバオベリスタ, Shiruba Oberisuta): The face armor. It controls the healing power stolen from the Repli Chemy Repli-Unicon and exhibits super-recovery abilities.
- Monoceuro (モノケウロ, Monokeuro): The enhancement armor. It controls forces and specializes in condensing destructive energy. This makes the various attacks highly refined and maximizes combat efficiency. It also functions as a shield that parries all attacks.
This form has the following finishers:
- Dreadriver finisher:

Twilight Majade
- "G-G-G-Gotchanko! Brightness and darkness! Twilight Majade!"
- ―Transformation announcement[src]
- Rider Height: 197.9 cm
- Rider Weight: 71.7 kg
- Ability Parameters[4]
- Punching Power: 16.9 t
- Kicking Power: 19.6 t
- Maximum Jump Height: 27.3 m
- Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 5.6 sec.
Twilight Majade (トワイライトマジェード, Towairaito Majēdo) is Majade's unicorn, sun, and twilight-based final form accessed by using the Twilight Unicon and Twilight The Sun Twilight Chemy Cards in the Majestydriver.[5]
Despite Atropos' death, since Twilight Majade is the fusion between herself and Rinne, it allows her to fight together with Rinne as one in this form, though Rinne is still the form's main user.
As Twilight Majade with Rinne, it allows Majade to use alchemy abilities of brightness and darkness from both of them. Some examples shown in the series include Atropos controlling Rinne's body to perform movements or attacks the enemy cannot predict, as well as shooting arrow-shaped energy beams towards them, which are ability originally belongs to Atropos.
Twilight Majade consists of the following parts:
- Twilight Majade Mask (トワイライトマジェードマスク, Towairaito Majēdo Masuku): The head.
- Majestycorn (マジェスティーコーン, Majesutīkōn): The horn. Inheriting the noble spirit of Twilight Chemy "Twilight Unicon", it controls the power of healing.
- Twilight Alchemis Signal (トワイライトアルケミスシグナル, Towairaito Arukemisu Shigunaru): The tuner. Majade's protection is given top priority, and the advanced multiple transmutation state that combines the powers of light and darkness is constantly tuned, and the decision is made to cancel the transmutation when necessary.
- Prominect Short (プロミテクトショート, Puromitekuto Shōto): The hair. Majade can avoid being noticed by the target and act stealthily by blending into the quiet darkness of the night.
- Deflect Compound Jewel (ディフレクトコンパウンドジュエル, Difurekuto Konpaundo Jueru): The eyes. It has the ability to enhance human vision and emits a brightness that never fades. It also ensures the same visibility as normal without being confused by intense light or pitch black darkness.
- Sunset Breathcrusher (サンセットブレスクラッシャー, Sansetto Buresukurasshā): The mouthguard. Blessed by the Twilight Chemy "Twilight The Sun", it gives Majade the power of scorching heat.
- Brightnesspinafore (ブライトネスピナフォア, Buraitonesu Pinafoa): The armor. It possesses the power of light and protects Majade with its strong resistance to evil forces and abnormalities, as well as extremely excellent defenses.
- Majesty Doll (マジェスティードール, Majesutī Dōru): The body. Kamen Rider Twilight Majade was created through multiple transmutation consisting of the transformer, Twilight Unicon, and Twilight The Sun.
- Majesty Jewel (マジェスティージュエル, Majesutī Jueru): The alchemy amplification jewels. The jewels placed around the chest and on various parts of the body form a formation that harmonizes, amplifies, or repels the power of light and darkness hidden within the transformer, as well as the power of the two chemies. This activates various effects by changing the composition of the alchemical formation according to the movements of the limbs.
- Dark Defendark (ダークディフェンダーク, Dāku Difendāku): The cloak. It contains the power of darkness and absorbs powers of the same nature to minimize damage. It converts the absorbed dark power into dark power and supplies it to the transformer.
- Willow Healer (ウィールウオウヒーラー, Uīruuou Hīrā): The arms. It combines the contradictory attack power of a scorching punch that pierces everything and a healing ability to heal the damage of the target. The characteristics of each attack can be changed by transmuting the powers of light and darkness, allowing for unpredictable blows to be delivered.
- Prominate Gallop (プロミネイトギャロップ, Puromineito Gyaroppu): The legs. Majade runs with the grace of a galloping horse, and her kicks are as sharp as the thrust of a horn. Furthermore, the characteristics are changed intricately by transmuting the powers of light and darkness, allowing Majade to unleash unavoidable special moves.
This form has the following finishers:
- Majestydriver finisher:
- Twilight Nova (トワイライトノヴァ, Towairaito Nova): Majade scans the High and Promise Alchemist Rings on the Majesty Linker. She opens the Bye Altvoke levers and proceeds to attack the enemy. She then closes the Bye Altvoke levers as she does a brief jump and performs a tornado body kick covered in spiraling black, gold, and violet energy that would devastatingly bore through the enemy. The surroundings briefly turn into a sunset appears behind Majade when she kicking the enemy.
- Dreadriver - Main transformation device.
- Repli Chemy Cards - Transformation trinkets.
- Draw Holder - Dread's card holder for Repli Chemy Cards
- Gold Rubik Cube - Originally belongs to Glion, Atropos picked up after his disappearance, used to revive Glion later.
- Gold Origami - A origami for Atropos to perform alchemy, transmuted into Promise Alchemist Ring by Rinne after her death.
- Bloody UC - Dread Type One's fleuret weapon.
(Creator/Former Father Figure; Deceased)
(Younger Sister; Deceased)
(Youngest Sister; Deceased)
Three Dark Sisters[]
- Clotho/Kamen Rider Dread (III): to be added
- Lachesis/Kamen Rider Dread (II): to be added
Friends & Allies[]
- Rinne Kudo/Kamen Rider Majade: Atropos is created by Glion by using the young Rinne as her template. As a result of her jealousy against her template for having a truly loving parental figures (Fuga), Atropos had been Rinne's personal nemesis, tormenting her by bringing up her father's past sins and endangering people who were close to her. However, when Rinne confronted Atropos about her desire to possess friendship and family, she became enraged. At some point in time after Rinne saves her from Cerberus Malgam, Atropos promised Rinne that she wouldn't hurt anyone ever again if Germain is defeated, having their relationship become neutral. Atropos ended up shielding Rinne from a fatal blow by Gaelijah, and apologize to her for the sins she had committed. Later, they fused into Twilight Majade to defeat Gaelijah, and Atropos agreed to fight with Rinne as an unity.
- Houtaro Ichinose/Kamen Rider Gotchard: to be added
- Supana Kurogane/Kamen Rider Valvarad: to be added
- Renge Icho: to be added
- Sabimaru Tsuruhara/Kamen Rider Dread (I): to be added
- Minato/Kamen Rider Dread (IV): to be added
- Kyoka Edami: to be added
- Ho-Oh Kaguya Quartz/Kamen Rider Legend: to be added
- Glion/Kamen Rider Dread (VI)/Kamen Rider Eld: Her father and superior until she & her sisters were betrayed.
- Dark Kings
Legend Riders[]
to be added
Behind the Scenes[]
Atropos is portrayed by Itono Okita (沖田 絃乃, Okita Itono).
Atropos is a name of the eldest sister of the Moirai from Greek mythology. Fittingly, Atropos was the first of the Sisters to be created.
- Atropos is the only member of the Three Dark Sisters who never become a host of a Malgam.
- Okita sets the record for being the youngest actor/actress (at the age of 9) to transform into a Kamen Rider, a record previously held by Hinata Takao who was 10 in Kamen Rider Den-O: Pretty Den-O Appears!.
- Similar to Wataru and Asumu in Kamen Rider Decade, Atropos grows to the size of an adult when transformed into her Rider form.
- Atropos is the first member of the Three Dark Sisters to die.
Kamen Rider Gotchard
- Episode 1: Gotcha! Hopper1!
- Episode 2: Pursuit, Alchemy, Skebows! (Flashback)
- Episode 3: Bushido, Found.
- Episode 4: Antrooper Labyrinth
- Episode 5: Burn! Fight! Wrestler G!
- Episode 6: Super A-Class ☆ Twisted Star
- Episode 7: Goodbye Saboneedle
- Episode 8: Great Bond
- Episode 9: Dash to Kyoto! School Trip!
- Episode 10: Kyoto on Fire! ~ Sad Love: Chemy Thunder Incident ~
- Episode 11: Catch! A Spy!? Rider Disqualified!?
- Episode 12: Runaway Liner! Dark Rider!
- Episode 13: Take It Back! Friendship × Forever!
- Episode 14: Chomping Rex! Dangerous X
- Episode 15: Seize the Happy! Shine Bright Gotchalibur!
Kamen Rider The Winter Movie: Gotchard & Geats Strongest Chemy★Great Gotcha Operation (Flashback)
- Episode 16: Crisis Xmas! The Orochi Incident
- Episode 17: Moonbreak Messenger
- Episode 18: Run Through! Evolutionary Firelord!
- Episode 19: Rinne's Dawn! Transform Majade!
- Episode 20: Smiling Angel, Ridiculous Joke
- Episode 21: Mad Warrior! Valvarad the Black Flame!
- Episode 22: Love Is a Saber! Suddenly a Chemy Story
- Episode 23: Zukyun Always in My Heart
- Episode 24: Sudden Turn! Forbidden Steel Rider!
- Episode 25: A Young Teacher's Mistake
- Episode 26: Thwart Malice, Jet Black Wind
- Episode 27: Gotcha! Crosshopper!
- Episode 28: Bero Bero Strange! Renge's Homecoming
- Episode 29: The Village Is Crying
- Episode 30: A Rival Arrives!? Gotcha and Juliet
- Episode 31: Two People in the Dark, Trusting Each Other.
- Episode 32: The Great King Appears! The Dolls' Dilemma
- Episode 33: Legend Rider? 100 Years Too Early!
- Episode 34: Only One! All Roads Lead to Gorgeousness
- Episode 36: The Origin of Chemies! I Have Understood
- Episode 37: Hopper1 and the Treasure
- Episode 38: Over the Rainbow
- Episode 39: Gotcha Complete! Climax 101!
- Episode 40: Evil Descends! The Thrice-Greatest Dark Kings
- Episode 41: Trace of God, Grace of Rainbow!
- Episode 43: Love, Sorrow, and AI!? The Power to Erase Hate
- Kamen Rider Gotchard: The Future Daybreak
- Episode 44: When Deep Memories Open Up
- Episode 45: A Fateful Encounter, a Junction of Love and Hate!
- Episode 46: Black Astrology, Kurogane's Oath
- Episode 47: Big Clash! Houtaro vs. Supana
- Episode 48: Say Goodbye at Twilight (Death)
- Episode 49: Metal Warrior! The Silver Valvarad (Mentioned)
- Episode 50/Final: This Is My and Your CHEMY×STORY (Mentioned; Visual)
- ↑ https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/gotchard/cast/
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 "TV Asahi's page for Dread Type One". https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/gotchard/rider/dread/type_one/stand.html.
- ↑ https://www.kamen-rider-official.com/gotchard/24/
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 "TV Asahi's page for Twilight Majade". https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/gotchard/rider/majade/twilight/stand.html.
- ↑ https://www.kamen-rider-official.com/gotchard/48/
External Links[]
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