Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-hibikiThis article is about a character in Kamen Rider Hibiki.

For the past version, see Asumu.
For the A.R. World version, see Asumu (Decade).

Asumu Adachi (安達 明日夢, Adachi Asumu) is the main character of Kamen Rider Hibiki. For a long time, he was called Boy (少年, Shōnen) by Hibiki. After some time, Hibiki started to call him by his first name, before becoming his apprentice.



Asumu was on the way to the memorial service at Yakushima Island before his high school entrance exam until he met Hibiki on a cruise ship to Yakushima Island, where the latter saved a young boy from falling off the ship. On the island, they meet once again before parting ways. Asumu later left his family and traveled by car into the mountains for sightseeing, only to be attacked by Tsuchigumo. Hibiki saved Asumu but afterwards, he saw Hibiki transform into an oni and was interested in Hibiki ever since. But, after the incident, Asumu had little confidence in passing his exams to get into Johnan Academy and often sought advice from Hibiki. After graduating from East Shibamata Junior High School, he enrolled in Johnan Academy. He was placed in the same class as Hitomi Mochida and Akira Amami.

He would come to know the secret of the "Takeshi", because Hibiki said he is not willing to disciple, and did not have the feeling that he could after thinking he could do something else. He only works part-time in the days with no activity.

He had begun training with the introduction of Kyosuke Kiriya, who also wanted to be an Oni. He finally succeeded in apprenticeship under Hibiki. Hibiki had them compete with each other to decide which of them Hibiki would take under his wing. Asumu learns that being an Oni can only be learned through training with Hibiki, while defeating the Makamou.

Eventually, Asumu realized that being an Oni was not for him. He also quit his part-time job at Tachibana, aiming to be a doctor.

After that, he had communication with Takeshi, only to reunite with two Oni (Kyousuke and Hibiki) a year later. He was training to be a doctor with knowledge of the courage and training obtained when he was an apprentice. He was finally able to reconcile with Kyousuke, as a new teacher-student relationship for the rest of his life along with Hibiki.

Kamen Rider Hibiki & The Seven Senki[]

Asumu was saved by Hibiki when they faced a Makamou, which causes Hibiki to be injured. This leads Asumu to read the book that contains the history of the said Makamou, entangled with the history of the Takeshi and the Oni. He learns that his meeting with the Oni is no mere coincidence.


to be added


In the Hyper Battle Video, Asumu was able to assume the form of Kamen Rider Hibiki with the help of the Disc Animals.

Transformed Asumu

Kamen Rider Hibiki

Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 7 shaku 3 sun[1] (approx. 221.2 cm., one say 222 cm.[1])
  • Rider Weight: 41 kan[1] (approx. 153.8 kg., one say 156 kg.[1])
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 5333 kan[1] (approx. 20.0 t.)
  • Lifting Power: 600 man-power[1] (6 t.)
  • Kicking Power: 10666 kan[1] (approx. 40.0 t.)
  • Maximum Jump Height: 41 ken[1] (approx. 74.5 m., one say 75 m.[1])
  • Maximum Running Speed: 1 chō per 3 sec.[1] (approx. 100 m. per 2.8 sec., one say 3 sec.[1])
In this form, Hibiki is a purple demon. This is his most basic and easiest form for him to reach. To become this form, Hibiki simply needs to tap his tuning fork against a solid surface, with the vibrations from the fork causing his body to be engulfed in a fiery purple aura. Hibiki also gains a second "oni face" which is a crest that forms on his forehead. Unlike most Kamen Riders, Hibiki does not wear a suit, rather his demon form is his true form.

Hibiki Kurenai

Hibiki Kurenai

Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 7 shaku 3 sun[1] (approx. 221.2 cm., one say 222 cm.[1])
  • Rider Weight: 41 kan[1] (approx. 153.8 kg., one say 156 kg.[1])
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 8000 kan[1] (30 t.)
  • Lifting Power: 700 man-power[1] (7 t.)
  • Kicking Power: 13333 kan[1] (approx. 50.0 t.)
  • Maximum Jump Height: 49.5 ken[1] (90 m.)
  • Maximum Running Speed: 1 chō per 2 sec.[1] (100 m. per 1.8 sec., one say 2 sec.[1])

Hibiki's second form, also known as Hibiki Kurenai (響鬼ヒビキ, Hibiki Kurenai), was reached during the summer of training. It is exactly the same in appearance as his original form except that it is red instead of purple, and the face possesses a white plate-like mouth guard, with the "eyes" appearing black. Hibiki learned that he would be able to go beyond his basic form during the summer. At first, he was unable to reach this form completely, only able to transform his arms when under attack. This greatly drained him and caused him to begin tougher training.

Asumu has only used this form as a transition form into Armed Hibiki.

Armed Hibiki

Armed Hibiki

Rider Statistics
  • Rider Height: 7 shaku 7 sun[1] (approx. 233.3 cm., one say 233 cm.[1])
  • Rider Weight: 44.8 kan[1] (168 kg.)
Ability Parameters'
  • Punching Power: 40 t.[1]
  • Lifting Power: 800 man-power[1] (8 t.)
  • Kicking Power: 80 t.[1]
  • Maximum Jump Height: 100 m.[1]
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 1 sec.[1] (one say 1 chō per 1 sec.[2], approx. 100 m. per 0.9 sec.)
The third and final form Hibiki was able to reach is known as Hibiki Soukou or Armed Hibiki. Unlike Hibiki Kurenai, which simply changes colors, the armor equipment effects here are much greater. To reach this form, Hibiki must use the Ongekizofukuken Armed Saber, which also serves as a weapon in this form. When initiating the call, Hibiki automatically assumes Hibiki Kurenai, and calls upon the power of the Disc Animals to fuse with him, each becoming armor for his form. Finally, his oni face is covered with a samurai like shield, his horns expand, and the little oni face on his forehead is covered with the character for Armed, 甲. Hibiki is able to destroy most lower level Makamou with little to no effort in this form.


Behind the Scenes[]



  • The words that make up Asumu's name (明日夢) can be read as "tomorrow" (明日, ashita) and "dream" (, yume).
  • Asumu's surname Adachi means "peace, quiet" (安) (a) and "achieve" (達) (tachi/dachi).


  • Initially, the idea was that Asumu's apprenticeship of Hibiki would last for five episodes. He was apprenticed at the discretion of the Takada Temple.
  • A producer's blog posted around the conclusion of Hibiki stated that Asumu was originally supposed to become an Oni, but due to last-minute rewrites (which came in during the filming of the final battle), plans were changed. The producer claimed that there was a fully completed "Oni Asumu" costume, but it was scrapped in order to make Kyosuke Kiriya's Oni costume look better.


See also[]



Rider's Crest-Hibiki (Red) Kamen Rider Hibiki
Primary: Hitoshi Hidaka - Iori Izumi - Tomizo Todayama - Zaomaru Zaitsuhara
Modern Day Oni: Daisuke Danda - Sakae Saeki - Eiki - Shiori Shinagawa - Akira Amami - Kyosuke Kiriya
Ancient Sengoku Era Oni: Hibiki (past) - Ibuki (past) -Todoroki (past) - Kabuki - Touki - Kirameki - Nishiki - Habataki
Stageshow-Exclusive: Jacky Zhang - Mutsuko Murashima - Konko Kageyukouji - Yuki
Ancient Edo Era Oni: Hibiki (Edo Period) - Ibuki (Edo Period) - Saki - Kido - Kiryu - Hattori Masanari
Other Oni: Fubuki - Previous Zanki - Gouki - Shouki - Touki - Banki - Tsutomu Tsumura - Michibiki - Kachidoki - Genki - Yamabuki
Ichiro Tachibana- Asumu Adachi - Kasumi Tachibana - Hinaka Tachibana - Midori Takizawa - Kounosuke Kogure
Allies: Hitomi Mochida - Ikuko Adachi
Transformation Items
Henshin Onsa - Henshin Onibue - Henshin Kigen
Ongeki Weapons
Ongekibou - Ongekiko - Ongekizofukuken Armed Saber - Ongekikan - Ongekimei - Ongekigen - Ongekishin - Meito Onsaken - Ongekikanabou - Ongekicymbal - Ongekitriangle - Ongekiflute
Gaika - Tatsumaki - Shiranui - Raijin
Disk Animals - Equipment Belt - Armor of the Ogre
Leaders: The Real Man and Woman - The Man and Woman - Black Puppet - White Puppet - Super Douji and Hime
Giant Type Makamou: Tsuchigumo - Yamabiko - Bakegani - Ittanmomen - Ooari - Okubi - Otoroshi - Ubume - Yamaarashi - Oonamazu - Amikiri - Kamaitachi - Notsugo
Summer Type Makamou: Dorotabou - Kappa - Bakeneko - Uwan - Tengu - Hitotsumi
Special Makamou: Nanashi - Kasha - Yobuko - Midaredouji - Kodama - Satori - Rokurokubi - Orochi