Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-zi-oThis article is about a monster form used by several identities in Kamen Rider Zi-O.

Another Blade (アナザーブレイド, Anazā Bureido) is an Another Rider with several different identities:

Known Identities[]


Another Blade

KRZiO-Another Blade

Another Blade

KRZiO-Another Blade (Empowered)

Another Blade with the power of the Joker Undead

―Transformation announcement[src]
  • Height: 201.0 cm.
  • Weight: 101.0 kg.
  • Creator: White Woz (Amane);Hiryu Kakogawa (2nd)
  • Year of Origin: 2019
  • Position of year: Right Shoulder blade
  • Name and position: "BLADE"; Left Shoulder blade
Powers and Abilities
  • Energy Beam: Another Blade can fire a light-blue energy blast from her thorax armor.
  • Dark Energy: Another Blade can generate dark energy and channel it as energy slashes or energy bursts.
  • Joker Undead Energy Absorption: Another Blade can absorb the energy of the Joker Undead to amplify her strength. The siphoned Undead turns human as a result.
  • World Destruction: After absorbing the Joker Undead's powers, Another Blade, as the only Undead left, wins the Battle Fight and begins the end of the world.
  • Unnamed sword: A sword with a buzz saw equipped on its hilt. It has a similar appearance to Kamen Rider Blade's Blay Rouzer.

Appearances: Zi-O Episode 29-30


Behind the Scenes[]

Concept Art[]

Another Blade concept art

Another Blade concept art

Another Blade was designed by Tamotsu Shinohara (篠原 保, Shinohara Tamotsu).



See also[]


  1. Official Perfect Books Celebrate The Zi-O Completion


Icon-zi-o Kamen Rider Zi-O
Kamen Riders
Sougo Tokiwa (Over Quartzer) - Geiz Myokoin (Over Quartzer) - Woz (Black, Over Quartzer, White, Red) - Tsukuyomi (Over Quartzer)
Other Sougo Tokiwa variations
Ohma Zi-O - Sougo of 3 days later - Mirror World - B - C - D - E - F - Robot Sougo - True Sougo
Future Kamen Riders
2022 (Rentaro Kagura) - 2040 (Mondo Douan) - 2121 (Rento Makina) - Kamen Rider Ginga
Rider Time Ryuki Riders
Ishibashi - Tozuka - Kimura - Ishida - Abyss - Odin
Another World Riders
G4 - Fuma - Dark Ghost - Rey - Katsumi Daido - White Woz - Yuuki
Other Riders
G3 Team - Shun Kageyama (Worm)
Movie-exclusive Riders
SOUGO Tokiwa - Kagen - Jogen - Soreo Hiden
Stageshow-exclusive Riders
Hiryu Kakogawa - Red Woz
Transformation Devices
Ziku-Driver - Ohma Zi-O Driver - Beyondriver - Miraidriver (Shinobi, Hattari, Quiz, Kikai, Ginga) - NeoDecadriver - NeoDiendriver - K-Touch21
Ridewatches - Miridewatches- Ridewatch Holder - Ridewatch Daizer - Faizphone X - Taka Watchroid - Kodama Suika Arms
Zikan Girade - Zikan Zax - Ride HeiSaber - Zikan Despear - Saikyo Girade - Zikan Jaclaw - Barlckxs' Sword
Ride Striker - Time Mazine - Dai Mazine
Rider Armors - Ohma Advent Calendar - Future Note - Time Finishers
9 5 DO: Geiz Myokoin - Tsukuyomi - Junichiro Tokiwa
Futaros - Ataru Hisanaga - Shingo Hisanaga - Iroha Kagura - Master Gamano - Sara - Miss Sailor - Oda Nobunaga - Clara Steinbelt - Gyuzo - Pietro - Resistance Captain
Legend Riders
Kamen Rider: Takeshi Hongo
Kuuga: Yusuke Godai
Agito: Shoichi Tsugami - Takahiro Omuro
Ryuki: Shinji Kido - Shinji Kido (Mirror World) - Ren Akiyama - Takeshi Asakura - Miyuki Tezuka - Jun Shibaura - Goro Yura
555: Takumi Inui - Masato Kusaka
Blade: Kazuma Kenzaki - Hajime Aikawa
Hibiki: Hitoshi Hidaka - Tomizo Todayama - Kyosuke Kiriya
Kabuto: Soji Tendo - Arata Kagami - So Yaguruma
THE FIRST/THE NEXT: Takeshi Hongo - Hayato Ichimonji - Shiro Kazami
Den-O: Ryotaro Nogami - Yuto Sakurai
Kiva: Wataru Kurenai - Jiro
Decade: Tsukasa Kadoya - Daiki Kaito - Yusuke Onodera - Natsumi Hikari
G: Goro
W: Philip & Shotaro Hidari - Ryu Terui
OOO: Eiji Hino - Michal Minato - Akira Date - Shintaro Goto
Fourze: Gentaro Kisaragi
Wizard: Haruto Soma - Kosuke Nito
Gaim: Kouta Kazuraba - Kaito Kumon - Takatora Kureshima
Drive: Shinnosuke Tomari - Go Shijima - Chase - Brain
Ghost: Takeru Tenkuji - Makoto Fukami
Kuuga (manga): Yusuke Godai
Amazons: Haruka Mizusawa - Jin Takayama
Ex-Aid: Emu Hojo - Hiiro Kagami - Kiriya Kujo - Kuroto Dan - Poppy Pipopapo - Masamune Dan
Kamen Sentai Gorider: Aka-Rider - Ao-Rider - Ki-Rider - Momo-Rider - Mido-Rider
Build: Sento Kiryu - Ryuga Banjo - Kazumi Sawatari - Gentoku Himuro - Evolto
Zero-One: Aruto Hiden - Is - Isamu Fuwa - Yua Yaiba - Jin - Horobi
Saber: Touma Kamiyama - Rintaro Shindo - Kento Fukamiya - Ryo Ogami - Ren Akamichi - Tetsuo Daishinji - Yuri - Reika Shindai - Ryoga Shindai
Revice: Sakura Igarashi - Hana Natsuki
Chuta Ohsugi - Daita Kondou - Chikao Nezu - Hina Izumi - Shibuya Hachioji - Narita Kisarazu - Misora Isurugi - Fumen Master - Owner - Momotaros - Urataros - Kintaros - Ryutaros - Eri Ogawa - Daisuke Okubo - Amane Kurihara - Mana Kazaya - Riki - Ramon - Deneb - Krim Steinbelt - Takeshi Kinashi - Shesta - Jun Fukuzoe - Sanzo Yamashita - Narutaki - Akiko Narumi - Sawa Takigawa - Kanon Fukami - Lovekov
Time Jackers
Swartz - Heure - Ora
Movie Exclusive
Tid - Finis
Kamen Riders: SOUGO Tokiwa - Kagen - Jogen - Woz
Another Riders
Another Build - Another Ex-Aid - Another Fourze - Another Faiz - Another Wizard - Another OOO - Another Gaim - Another Ghost - Another Double - Another Den-O - Another Kuuga - Another Shinobi - Another Quiz - Another Ryuga - Another Kikai - Another Zi-O (II) - Another Ryuki - Another Blade - Another Agito (troops) - Another Hibiki - Another Kiva - Another Kabuto - Another Drive - Another Decade
Movie-exclusive Another Riders
Another Zero-One - Another 1 - Another Diend
Stageshow-exclusive Another Riders
Another Rider - No Rider - Another Ohma Zi-O
Novel-exclusive Another Riders
Another Ohma Zi-O Trinity - Another Tsukuyomi - Another Geiz - Another Woz
Other Villains
Kasshine - Genin - Humanoise - Worms - Elementary Inves - Trilobite Magia - Battle Magia
Black Satan
Mitsuko Fujimoto - Yuriko Kuroe - Devil Hana
Footsoldiers: Black Satan Soldiers