Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-kuugaThis article is about an object in Kamen Rider Kuuga.
For the villain that appears in the World within the Magic Stone, see Amadum.

The Amadam (アマダム, Amadamu) is an ancient, mysterious spiritual stone capable of changing living creatures, embedded in the Arcle belt, the source of Kuuga's power and able to extend the lifespan of a person. Furthermore, an Amadam is present on N·Daguva·Zeba (N·Gamio·Zeda in the A.R. World of Kuuga) and Gouram.

The Amadam was, as Sakurako Sawatari found in the Rinto scriptures, powered by the user's will and would corrode a weak user. Goma went berserk when an unrefined fragment of Daguva's Amadam was forced directly into his body. Gouram's Amadam reacts to Kuuga that if its master's will becomes clouded with power (referring to the ancient Rinto inscription: "when the holy spring dries up"), Gouram will start to crumble and be reduced to dust. Additionally, the Amadam also acts as a stabilizer to the bearer in order to prevent them from going berserk due to the power of the Arcle as seen when the first user, later Mika, went out of control due to lack of this stone on their Arcle.


The Amadam changes its color according to which form Kuuga is in:

  • Growing Form: Orange
  • Mighty Form: Red
  • Dragon Form: Blue
  • Pegasus Form: Green
  • Titan Form: Purple
  • Rising forms/Amazing Mighty/Super Rising Ultimate: Yellow with golden frame on the Arcle.
  • Ultimate/Rising Ultimate: Black with golden frame on the Arcle.


Icon-kuuga Kamen Rider Kuuga
Kamen Rider Kuuga
Riku - Yusuke Godai - Mika Natsume (Novel Only)
Transformation Gear: Arcle (Prototype)
Rider Machines: Gouram - Trychaser 2000 - Beatchaser 2000
Weapons: Dragon Rod - Pegasus Bowgun - Titan Sword - Mighty Anklet
Terminology: Amadam - Rinto - Rinto hieroglyphics - Gegel
Tokyo Police Department
Kaoru Ichijo - Hikari Enokida - Sadao Matsukura - Morimichi Sugita - Tsuyoshi Sakurai - Nozomi Sasayama
Other Allies and Characters
Sakurako Sawatari - Minori Godai - Shuichi Tsubaki - Tamasaburo Kazari - Nana Asahina - Jean Michel Sorrel - Mika Natsume - Shoji Kanzaki - Junichi Chono
La Group: La·Balva·De - La·Doldo·Gu
Go Group
Gevagel: Go·Gadol·Ba (Leader) - Go·Jaaza·Gi - Go·Babel·Da
Higher Tier: Go·Buuro·Gu - Go·Bemiu·Gi - Go·Gamego·Re - Go·Badaa·Ba - Go·Jalaji·Da - Go·Zazalu·Ba - Go·Jiino·Da
Lower Tier: Go·Raio·Da - Horseshoe Crab Gurongi
Xu Group: Xu·Gmun·Ba - Xu·Goma·Gu - Xu·Mevio·Da - Xu·Vazuu·Ba - Xu·Zain·Da - Xu·Gjil·Gi - Xu·Galga·Da - Xu·Miuji·Gi - Xu·Gazubo·De - Xu·Daago·Gi - Xu·Nezuma·Da - Xu·Nezumo·Da - Xu·Jamol·Re
Me Group: Me·Vagis·Ba - Me·Geega·Gi - Me·Byran·Gi - Me·Garido·Gi - Me·Gadra·Da - Me·Ginoga·De - Me·Galme·Re - Me·Garima·Ba - Me·Gaberi·Gu - Me·Agon·Gi - Me·Aguri·Da - Me·Ivae·Ba - Me·Gaage·Re - Me·Mugado·Ba - Me·Gorigi·Ba - Me·Gaera·Re - Me·Zoebi·Gi - Me·Uzaa·Da - Me·Demudo·Ba - Me·Ginee·Da - Me·Gegura·Gi - Me·Juuma·Da
Nu Group: Nu·Zajio·Re
Be Group: Be·Jimin·Ba
Misc: Gerage - Zalbo - Moth Gurongi - Doom - Wolf Gurongi - Poison Moth Gurongi - Crocodile Gurongi - Moray Eel Gurongi - Pufferfish Gurongi - Sarracenia Gurongi - Swallowtail Gurongi - Water Bug Gurongi