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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-ryukiThis article is about a rider-like warriors in Kamen Rider Ryuki.



KRRy-Alternative Zero

Alternative Zero.

KRRy-Card Deck (Alternatives)

Alternative and Alternative Zero's Card Deck

The Alternatives (オルタナティブ, Orutanatibu) are Rider-like mimicries categorized outside of the 13 Kamen Riders. Two were known to have been produced - a production model called Alternative and a prototype called Alternative Zero.

Within the series' narrative, the Alternatives are also referred to by the sub-class of Pseudo-Riders (疑似ライダー, Giji Raidā).[1]

The two suits were identical except for a few minor differences. Alternative Zero's suit had blue accents and silver cables while Alternative's had orange accents and black cables. Alternative Zero was also decorated with silver stripes labeled "Trial Prototype-00" on both sides of the body. Because they are modeled after crickets, the Alternatives resemble the older Kamen Riders such as Kamen Rider V3 and Kamen Rider Super-1 in terms of appearance.


Original series[]

Alternative and Alternative Zero's true identities were, respectively, Hajime Nakamura and Hideyuki Kagawa. Along with Kamen Rider Tiger, the two were fighting to close the Mirror World and opposed Shiro Kanzaki's Rider War.

Alternative Zero and Alternative were both killed the same way - Tojo betrayed them and destroyed their decks, causing them to dissolve in the Mirror World.

Kamen Rider Ryuki: World of If[]

Hideyuki Kagawa, as Alternative Zero, shows up with an army of twelve Alternatives in order to destroy Ryuga. As they prepare to attack Ryuga, Yui Kanzaki shows up. Kagawa laughs, saying Yui is the source of all their troubles and if she dies everything will end. They attack her instead, but Ryuga, having his sanity returned, shields her, reverting to human form and dying. Kagawa is shocked that there's "a Kamen Rider who would give up their life for someone". Yui says she has a favor to ask of him.

Kamen Rider Decade[]

In Kamen Rider Decade, Alternative is an enforcer of the Dark Riders who appeared in the World of Negatives alongside Ryuga, Orga, Dark Kabuto and Dark Kiva. He was later killed by Kamen Rider Diend. Curiously, even though his suit was identical to Alternative Zero's, the character is officially identified only as Pseudo Rider Alternative[2].





Rider Statistics[3][4][5][6][7][8]
  • Rider Height: 195 cm
  • Rider Weight: 98 kg
Rider Senses
  • Eyesight: 20 km
  • Hearing: 15 km
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 15 t (300 AP)
  • Kicking Power: 22.5 t (450 AP)
  • Maximum Jump Height: 50 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 4.5 seconds
Special Attacks

Nakamura transforms into Alternative using Hideyuki Kagawa's version of the Advent Deck and V Buckle. Alternative is a mimicry of the 13 Riders created by Kagawa using Shiro Kanzaki's notes on the Mirror World. Nakamura transforms into the completed version of Alternative, while Kagawa uses the prototype model, Alternative Zero. Both versions are identical with the exception of the color of the tubes on the shoulders and Alternative Zero being shorter and lighter. Although it is unclear if the two are contracted in the same way as the 13 Riders and their Contract Monsters, the Mirror Monster Psyco-Rogue can be summoned by Alternative and follows his commands. Alternative's Visor, the Slashvisor, is a gauntlet mounted on his right arm.

Through the use of his Sword Vent, Alternative can arm himself with the Slashdagger (スラッシュダガー, Surasshu Dagā), a sword derived from Psyco-Rogue's forearms. By using the Wheel Vent, Alternative can transform Psyco-Rogue into motorcycle mode named the Psycoroader (サイコローダー, Saikorōdā) for him to ride.

By using his Final Vent, Alternative can execute his finisher, the Dead End (デッドエンド, Deddo Endo), which transforms Psyco-Rogue into the Psycoroader if it has not done so already. Alternative then rides the Psycoroader toward the opponent and rams into it.

Appearances: Ryuki Episodes 37-38

Alternative Zero
KRRy-Alternative Zero

Alternative Zero

Rider Statistics[3][9][10][11][12][13]
  • Rider Height: 190 cm
  • Rider Weight: 93 kg
Rider Senses
  • Eyesight: 20 km
  • Hearing: 15 km
Ability Parameters
  • Punching Power: 15 t (300 AP)
  • Kicking Power: 22.5 t (450 AP)
  • Maximum Jump Height: 50 m
  • Maximum Running Speed: 100 m per 4.5 seconds
Special Attacks

Kagawa transforms into Alternative Zero using his version of the Advent Deck and V Buckle. Alternative Zero is the prototype model of Alternative, a mimicry of the 13 Riders created by Kagawa using Shiro Kanzaki's notes on the Mirror World. The completed version of Alternative is used by Hajime Nakamura. Both versions are identical with the exception of the color of the tubes on the shoulders and Alternative Zero being shorter and lighter. Although it is unclear if the two are contracted in the same way as the 13 Riders and their Contract Monsters, the Mirror Monster Psyco-Rogue can be summoned by Alternative Zero and follows his commands. Alternative Zero's Visor, the Slashvisor, is a gauntlet mounted on his right arm.

Through the use of his Sword Vent, Alternative Zero can arm himself with the Slashdagger (スラッシュダガー, Surasshu Dagā), a sword derived from Psyco-Rogue's forearms. By using the Wheel Vent, Alternative Zero can transform Psyco-Rogue into motorcycle mode named the Psycoroader (サイコローダー, Saikorōdā) for him to ride.

By using his Final Vent, Alternative Zero can execute his finisher, the Dead End (デッドエンド, Deddo Endo), which transforms Psyco-Rogue into the Psycoroader if it has not done so already. Alternative Zero then rides the Psycoroader toward the opponent and rams into it.

Appearances: Ryuki Episodes 39-42 , Wizard Episode 53.

Contract Monster[]

Main article: Psyco-Rogue (Ryuki)


  • Card Deck - Transformation device and Advent Card holder
  • V Buckle - Transformation belt
  • Advent Cards - Trinkets that enable a Rider to summon Contract Monsters, access equipment, and use special abilities
  • Slashvisor - Alternative Zero's Visor that enables him to use Advent Cards

Rider Card[]

KRDCD-KamenRide Alternative Rider Card

KamenRide: Alternative

KamenRide: Alternative (カメンライドオルタナティブ, Kamenraido Orutanatibu): A Rider Card containing the power of Alternative.

KRDCD-KamenRide Alternative Zero Rider Card

KamenRide: Alternative Zero

KamenRide: Alternative Zero (カメンライドオルタナティブ・ゼロ, Kamenraido Orutanatibu Zero): A Rider Card containing the power of Alternative Zero.


See Also[]

External Links[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Conversion: 1 t = 20 AP
Icon-ryuki Kamen Rider Ryuki
The 13 Kamen Riders
Main Riders (TV Series): Shinji Kido - Ren Akiyama - Kamen Rider Zolda: (Shuichi Kitaoka - Goro Yura) - Takeshi Asakura - Kamen Rider Odin
Deceased Riders (TV Series): Masashi Sudo - Miyuki Tezuka - Jun Shibaura - Satoru Tojo - Mitsuru Sano
Movie/Special Exclusive: Koichi Sakakibara - Itsuro Takamizawa - Miho Kirishima - Shinji Kido (Mirror World) - Kamen Rider Abyss
Stageshow Exclusive: Kamen Rider Papillon - Kamen Rider Cerberus - Zebraskull Lady
The Alternatives
Hajime Nakamura - Hideyuki Kagawa
Transformation Devices
Card Decks - V Buckle - Advent Cards
Dragvisor - Darkvisor - Scissorsvisor - Magnuvisor - Evilvisor - Metalvisor - Venovisor - Destvisor - Gazellevisor - Biovisor - Blancvisor - Blackdragvisor - Goldvisor - Slashvisor - Abyssvisor
Sword Vents
Ridesaber - Dragsaber - Winglancer - Venosaber - Wingslasher - Goldsabers - Dragsaber (Ryuga) - Abysssaber - Slashdagger
Strike Vents
Dragclaw - Scissorspinch - Gigahorn - Metalhorn - Destclaws - Dragclaw (Ryuga) - Abyssclaw
Guard Vents
Dragshield - Wingwall - Shelldefense - Gigaarmor Wingshield - Dragshield (Ryuga) - Goldshield
Shoot Vents
Gigacannon - Gigalauncher
Swing Vents
Spin Vents
Hold Vents
Rideshooter - Dragranzer (Bike Mode) - Darkraider (Bike Mode) - Psycoroader
Kanzaki family
Yui Kanzaki - Shiro Kanzaki - Sanako Kanzaki
ORE Journal
Daisuke Okubo - Reiko Momoi - Nanako Shimada - Megumi Asano
Mirror Monsters
The Contract Monsters: Dragreder - Darkwing - Volcancer - Magnugiga - Evildiver - Metalgelas - Venosnaker - Genocider - Destwilder - Gigazelle (Contract Monster) - Goldphoenix - Biogreeza - Blancwing - Dragblacker - Psyco-Rogue
Wild Mirror Monsters: Spiders (Dispider - Mispider - Respider - Solospider) - Zelles (Gigazelle - Megazelle - Magazelle - Negazelle - Omegazelle - Begazelle - Igazelle) - Zebraskulls (Iron - Bronze) - Boarders (Wildboarder - Shieldboarder) - Biters (Zenobiter - Terabiter) - Krakens (Bakraken - Wiskraken) - Gulds (GuldThunder - GuldStorm - GuldMirage) - Abyss (Abysshammer - Abysslasher - Abyssodon) - Buzzstingers (Hornet - Bee - Wasp - Frost - Broom) - Sheerghosts (Sheerghost - Raydragoon - Hydragoon) - Deadlemur - Gelnewt - Sonorabuma - Brobajell - Fake Kamen Rider Agito