Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-ryukiThis article is about an ally in Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight.

Agent Phillips is the head of the "No-Men" and Michelle Walsh's superior.


Agent Phillips


When he received the info from Michelle about the Kamen Riders, Xaviax, and the Mirror Monsters, he instructed Michelle to head up a mission to apprehend Kit Taylor. They succeeded and Agent Phillips arranged for a "demonstration" by having the door to Kit's cell opened to lead him to a Mirror Monster.

Following the venting of Kit Taylor at the hands of Kamen Rider Wrath, Agent Phillips led Len, Maya, Lacey, and Trent to where Eubulon was held. Agent Phillips offered Trent an opportunity to work for them or go to jail (the same offer he previously gave to JTC).

He is currently assisting the Kamen Riders, using the No-Men's headquarters as the temporary base for Eubulon's forces.

Agent Phillips is portrayed by Jamison Jones.

See also[]


Icon-ryuki Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight US flag icon
Kamen Riders
Earth Kamen Riders
Kit Taylor - Richie Preston - Drew Lansing - Grant Staley - JTC - Brad Barrett - Chris Ramirez - Danny Cho - Albert Cho - Vic Frasier - Maya Young - David Stuart - Brian Mace
Ventara Kamen Riders
Eubulon - Len - Kase - Adam - Pryce - Chance - Hunt - Ian - Van - Cameron - Quinn - Chase - Nolan
Advent Belts - Advent Decks
Trent Moseley - Lacey Sheridan - Michelle Walsh - Frank Taylor - Agent Phillips - Sergeant Dan Ramirez - Brandon - Fish - Sara - Grace Kiefer - Detective Grimes
Xaviax - Minions (Gelnewts - Sheerghosts - Raydragoons)
Mirror Monsters
Advent Beasts: Dragreder - Blackwing - Volcancer - Magnugiga - Biogreeza - Metalgelas - Venosnaker - Cerebeast - Evildiver - Destwilder - Gigazelle - Blancwing - Dragblacker - Goldphoenix
Xaviax's Mirror Monsters: Dispider - Terabiter - Zenobiter - Zebraskull Iron - Zebraskull Bronze - Wild Gigazelles - Megazelle - Wildboarder - Abyss Hammer - Abyss Lasher - Bakraken - Wiskraken - Dedlimmer - Psycorouge - Garudothunder - Magazelle - Omegazelle - Sonora Boomer - Buzzstinger Hornet - Brobajell - Shieldboarder - Garudostorm - Garudomirage - Buzzstinger Wasp - Buzzstinger Bee - Buzzstinger Bloom - Buzzstinger Frost - Respider