Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-ryukiThis article is about a transformation device in Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight.

"Kamen Rider!"
―Transformation call[src]

The Advent Belts are special transformation belts used by the Kamen Riders to transform and battle in the world behind the mirror.


The Advent Belt is summoned by simply holding out the Advent Deck towards the front, generating bolts of lightning from the deck which then materialize the belt around the user's waist. After the Rider shouts "Kamen Rider!" and the deck is inserted into belt, the deck revolves in the buckle giving the insignia a holographic look. An energy ring of the Rider's primary color appears from the belt which splits into two that revolves around in the opposite direction around the Rider till the armor materializes. The belt design is segmented into different parts that clamp and lock onto the decks upon insertion.

A gold-colored variant of the belt is owned by Kamen Rider Wrath.

As the Advent Master, Eubulon possesses his own Advent Belt which has a drastically different design from those of the Ventaran Riders, though retaining the same functionalities.



  • The name Advent Belt was given in the Kamen Rider Dragon Knight toyline[1].

See also[]



Icon-ryuki Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight US flag icon
Kamen Riders
Earth Kamen Riders
Kit Taylor - Richie Preston - Drew Lansing - Grant Staley - JTC - Brad Barrett - Chris Ramirez - Danny Cho - Albert Cho - Vic Frasier - Maya Young - David Stuart - Brian Mace
Ventara Kamen Riders
Eubulon - Len - Kase - Adam - Pryce - Chance - Hunt - Ian - Van - Cameron - Quinn - Chase - Nolan
Advent Belts - Advent Decks
Trent Moseley - Lacey Sheridan - Michelle Walsh - Frank Taylor - Agent Phillips - Sergeant Dan Ramirez - Brandon - Fish - Sara - Grace Kiefer - Detective Grimes
Xaviax - Minions (Gelnewts - Sheerghosts - Raydragoons)
Mirror Monsters
Advent Beasts: Dragreder - Blackwing - Volcancer - Magnugiga - Biogreeza - Metalgelas - Venosnaker - Cerebeast - Evildiver - Destwilder - Gigazelle - Blancwing - Dragblacker - Goldphoenix
Xaviax's Mirror Monsters: Dispider - Terabiter - Zenobiter - Zebraskull Iron - Zebraskull Bronze - Wild Gigazelles - Megazelle - Wildboarder - Abyss Hammer - Abyss Lasher - Bakraken - Wiskraken - Dedlimmer - Psycorouge - Garudothunder - Magazelle - Omegazelle - Sonora Boomer - Buzzstinger Hornet - Brobajell - Shieldboarder - Garudostorm - Garudomirage - Buzzstinger Wasp - Buzzstinger Bee - Buzzstinger Bloom - Buzzstinger Frost - Respider