Kamen Rider Wiki
Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-wThis article is about a transformation device in Kamen Rider W.

"Accel! (アクセル!, Akuseru!)"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Accel Maximum Drive! (アクセルマキシマムドライブ!, Akuseru Makishimamu Doraibu!)"
―Finisher announcement[src]

"Engine Maximum Drive! (エンジンマキシマムドライブ!, Enjin Makishimamu Doraibu!)"
―Bike Form finisher announcement with Engine Memory[src]

"Trial! (トライアル!, Toraiaru!)"
―AccelTrial transformation announcement[src]

"Accel Upgrade! Booster! (アクセル アップグレード! ブースター!, Akuseru Appugurēdo! Būsutā!)"
―AccelBooster transformation announcement[src]

The Transformation Belt Acceldriver (変身ベルト アクセルドライバー, Henshin Beruto Akuserudoraibā) is a third generation Memory Driver used by Kamen Rider Accel.


The Acceldriver was built by Shroud without any involvement from Museum for her own plans against them. The Driver was given to Ryu exclusively, who wanted revenge on the person responsible for murdering his family.

Unlike the other Memory Drivers, the Acceldriver is built specifically to be used with the Accel Memory, and later the Trial Memory. While it allows the user to be completely shielded from the Gaia Memory's corrupting effects, it does so at the cost of weakening the power of the Gaia Memory even further, just like how it is with the Doubledriver. However, this is somewhat mitigated by the fact that the Acceldriver is specifically designed to only work only with these two Memories, harnessing their fullest potential, and use of the Engineblade and Engine Memory, all of which allows functionalities of the Accel and Trial Memories to be used to the fullest, in order to compensate for the power loss suffered.


By inserting the Accel Memory into the Mono Slot (モノスロット, Mono Surotto) and revving the Power Throttle (パワースロットル, Pawā Surottoru) on the right handlebar, Ryu transforms into Kamen Rider Accel.



  • By squeezing the Maximum Clutch Lever (マキシマムクラッチレバー, Makishimamu Kuratchi Rebā) on the left handlebar of the Acceldriver and revving the Power Throttle, Kamen Rider Accel initiates his Accel Glanzer (アクセルグランツァー, Akuseru Gurantsā) finisher: After charging up to a point when Accel is engulfed in orange flames, he executes a jumping spinning heel kick which leaves a red tire track pattern in midair across the target. This can be used with Double FangJoker's Fang Strizer to perform the Rider Twin Maximum (ライダーツインマキシマム, Raidā Tsuin Makishimamu) finisher.
    • In AccelTurbuler form, his finisher is the AccelTurbuler Phoenix (アクセルタービュラーフェニックス, Akuseru Tāburā Fenikkusu): Accel pierces through his target while covered in flames forming the English letter A.
    • In Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate, BikeForm has its own Maximum Drive after the Engine Memory is inserted in the Acceldriver and Accel switches to BikeForm: the Bike Engine Dasher, a super-powered dash through the target.

Behind the Scenes[]


  • The Acceldriver is voiced by Fumihiko Tachiki (立木 文彦, Tachiki Fumihiko).



External links[]


Icon-w Kamen Rider W
Narumi Detective Office
Shotaro Hidari - Philip - Akiko Narumi - Sokichi Narumi - Tokime
Memory Drivers
Doubledriver - Acceldriver - Lostdriver - Gaia Driver - Gaia Driver Rex
Gaia Memory-related
Gaia Memories - Memory Gadgets - Fang Memory - Xtreme Memory - Trial Memory - Gaia Memory Enhancing Adapter
Metalshaft - Triggermagnum - Engineblade - Skullmagnum - Prismbicker - Eternaledge - Shroudmagnum
Revolgarry - Hardboilder - Gunner A - Diablossa - Skullboilder - Skullgarry - Hardmammother
Other Devices
Gaia Progressor - X-Bicker
Gaia Library - Maximum Drive - Gaia Impact - True Gaia Memory
Futo Irregulars
Santachan - Watcherman- Queen - Elizabeth - Isamu Bito - Lily Shirogane - Frank Shirogane - Akira Aoyama
Futo Police Department (Futo PD)
Ryu Terui - Mikio Jinno - Shun Makura
Museum and the Dopants
Foundation X
The Sonozaki Family: Terror - Claydoll - Taboo/R Nasca - Nasca - Smilodon - Masquerade Dopants
Dopants: Magma Dopant - T-Rex Dopant - Money Dopant - Anomalocaris Dopant - Cockroach Dopant - Sweets Dopant - Virus Dopant - Violence Dopant - Arms Dopant - Bird Dopant - Ice Age Dopant - Triceratops Dopant - Liar Dopant - Puppeteer Dopant - Invisible Dopant - Nightmare Dopant - Beast Dopant - Zone Dopant - Yesterday Dopant - Quetzalcoatlus Dopant - Gene Dopant - Jewel Dopant - Old Dopant - Utopia Dopant - Energy Dopant
Movie-Exclusive Villains: Dummy Dopant - Heat Dopant - Trigger Dopant - Metal Dopant - Luna Dopant - Cyclone Dopant - Bat Dopant - Spider Dopant - Kamen Rider Eternal - Commander Dopant - Eyes Dopant - Ocean Dopant
Novel-Exclusive Villains (The One Who Continues After Z): Zoo Dopant - Zero Dopant - Queen Bee Dopant - Flower Dopant - Elephant Dopant - Dolphin Dopant - Salamander Dopant - Fish Dopant - Bird Dopant - Ape Dopant - Bee Dopants
Manga-Exclusive Villains (Futo Tantei): Road Dopant - Toadstool Dopant - Caracal Dopant - Aurora Dopant - Meganeura Dopant -Brachiosaurus Dopant - Scream Dopant - Alcohol Dopant - Puzzle Dopant - Reactor Dopant - Antlion Dopant - Owl Dopant - Trash Dopant - Crab Dopant - Laugh Dopant - Deep Dopant - Scissors Dopant - Diva Dopant - Death Dopant - Joker Dopant - Hungry Dopant - Quest Dopant - City Dopant
Yukiji Bando - Kazuha Gojo - Hideo Chiba - Mamoru Nikaido - Hikaru Futami - Towa
Katsumi Daido - Maria S. Cranberry - Reika Hanehara - Kyosui Izumi - Gozo Domoto - Ken Ashiwara